Paul Schroeder, JOIN's faith-based resource coordinator, made a compelling argument when he visited Reedwood Friends Church.  He said something along these lines: "Problems and obstacles are exacerbated by homelessness; a person who is homeless has so little energy and resources to address health issues, addiction, joblessness, etc.  Some believe that homeless folks ought to "earn" a home--by getting clean and sober, employed, etc.  We at JOIN think people who have a roof over their heads will have a better chance at tackling those problems." 

JOIN believes in building relationships with people, and walking with them to restore the dignity and sense of self-worth that is lost when a person finds himself or herself without the most basic of amenities--a place to call home.  You can learn more about JOIN's model at    

Northwest Employment Law hopes to raise $2,500 for JOIN this holiday season, which is the cost of helping one homeless household off the streets and into a home, as well as 12 months of post-placement support to ensure their housing stability.  Thank you for your gift--every dollar makes a difference. 

A Place to Call Home